Women and Mutual Funds Investment

women mutual fund investment

In today’s world, women make the most important financial decisions by themselves.

Studies show that women are smarter than men in making financial decisions and have a stronger gut feeling (as against men) when it comes to investing.

However, women mutual fund investors are far lower in semi-urban and rural India. The average woman in India invests 15% of her savings in FDs. This figure is far lower for investing in mutual funds.

The following data on women’s investing patterns across different areas amplifies this fact

Area   Total Women Investors Percentage of Women Investors
Rural12.5 million20.10%
City  23.5 million38.90%
Semi-rural  7.0 million 11.10%

Compare this to women investing in Gold, Chit Funds & FD’s.

AreaPercentages of women investing in Gold
Percentages of Women Investing in Gold29.24%
AreaPercentages of Women Investing in Chit Fund
Semi Rural9.40%
AreaPercentages of women investing in FD’s

The data points out that rural and semi-rural women are still rooted in FD’s and Gold. In cities like Delhi and Mumbai, roughly 40% of all investors are women, as against only 11% in Semi-Rural areas.

MutualFundWali, an initiative of MutualFundWala, will assist women in investing in mutual funds.

Women investors can shift just a tiny part of their FDs in safe Mutual Funds viz Fixed income and conservative hybrid schemes, test waters and then scale it up. The idea is to start slowly, feel the pebbles as you walk in the river and move ahead confidently.

MutualFundWali will assist in the following:

  • Understanding mutual funds
  • Explaining what financial goals
  • Explaining risks in various mutual funds schemes and
  • Researching based on past performance
  • Monitoring MF investments and taking corrective action.


Investing in mutual funds is an excellent way for women to secure their financial future. It’s a simple and effective way to grow your money.

Women need to understand the basics of investing to be successful. Set clear financial goals and seek assistance from our team member “MutualFundWali”.

Keep in mind that investing is a long-term commitment.

With the proper knowledge and confidence, women can achieve their financial goals and build a better future for themselves and their families.

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